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Neurofeedback Services in Delaware:
A drug-free solution to optimizing your brain function.
Neurofeedback is an excellent, long-lasting solution for those with attention problems and learning disabilities, anxiety and depression, PTSD and other trauma, sleep issues, or those just wanting to get the most out of their brain.
What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a brain training tool.
After the initial brain mapping qEED (quantitative electroencephalogram) identifies your problem areas,
Neurofeedback Therapy trains your brain to function in healthier, more efficient ways.
Neurofeedback Therapy uses the conditioning practices of positive and negative feedback.
Over time, your brain learns to produce the healthier brain states outside of therapy, optimizing your baseline level of functioning.
After the initial brain mapping qEED (quantitative electroencephalogram) identifies your problem areas,
Neurofeedback Therapy trains your brain to function in healthier, more efficient ways.
Neurofeedback Therapy uses the conditioning practices of positive and negative feedback.
Over time, your brain learns to produce the healthier brain states outside of therapy, optimizing your baseline level of functioning.
Neurofeedback Can Help:
Brain mapping and Neurofeedback target the five primary brainwaves.
Each of these brain waves are responsible for regulating the active and subconscious parts of your body.
Gamma Waves
Higher Mental Activity,
Perception, Problem Solving
Gamma Waves
Higher Mental Activity,
Perception, Problem Solving
Gamma waves are associated with learning, active problem solving, and for creating a good memory. They occur when actively studying or thinking.
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Beta Waves
Active, Alert, Busy
Beta Waves
Active, Alert, Busy
Beta waves are associated with the mental state most people are in during the day. They occur when alert and focused.
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Alpha Waves
Calm, Relaxed, Reflective
Alpha Waves
Calm, Relaxed, Reflective
Alpha waves occur when awake, but not processing much information. They occur when first waking up, right before falling asleep, or when resting.
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Theta Waves
Deep Meditation,
Relaxation, REM Sleep
Theta Waves
Deep Meditation,
Relaxation, REM Sleep
Theta waves are associated with light sleep or extreme relaxation. They occur when the subconscious takes over.
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Delta Waves
Deep Dreamless Sleep,
Loss of Body Awareness
Delta Waves
Deep Dreamless Sleep,
Loss of Body Awareness
Delta waves are associated with deep, dreamless sleep and regeneration. They occur while sleeping and are responsible for healing the body.
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Each of these brain waves are responsible for different body functions, but all are equally important to your overall health and wellbeing.
Brain mapping and Neurofeedback directly targets irregular brainwaves and restores them to normal ranges.
Neurofeedback FAQs
Why Should I Choose Neurofeedback?
Studies have shown that the effects of Neurofeedback are similar to those of meditation. People have reported sleeping better, increased energy, enhanced calmness, enhanced mood, improved concentration, improved focus and attention, memory improvement, reduced emotional reactivity, and relaxation… All of which having improved a wide array of preexisting neurologic conditions.
What Does it Mean When You Say My Brain isn’t Regulated?
Sometimes an unregulated brain tends to be over-stimulated when it’s supposed to be calm, and under-stimulated when it’s supposed to be attentive. In most cases the brain corrects itself. When it’s unable to do so, this new dysregulation becomes the new normal. With neurofeedback therapy, we override that new normal to restore your brain function to its optimal state.
What Issues Does Neurofeedback Improve?
Neurofeedback can treat and improve any problems of brain dysregulation, or disfunction. Just to name a few: ADD & ADHD, insomnia, anxiety, depression, traumatic brain injuries, addition recovery, headaches and migraines, chronic pain, PTSD, stroke recovery, autism spectrum issues, stress, fears and phobias, tantrums, relationships, trauma, emotional disturbances, mood disorders, focus, and more.
Will I Notice a Difference Right Away?
Patients typically start noticing significant results after 6 to 8 sessions of neurofeedback therapy, which can be completed in around 3 to 4 weeks. Some patients have even reported differences immediately after their first session. However, results vary.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Adverse side effects are very rare. If any are experiences, they’re typically minor and short-lived. Feeling fatigued or over-energized are common sensations immediately after a neurofeedback session. On a very rare occasion, a very sensitive person might experience nightmares, moodiness, irritability, headaches, agitation, or insomnia.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
The number of required sessions will vary from person to person depending on the results of their brain map report. However, patients typically experience the best results after 10 to 20 neurofeedback sessions.